The Best Movies and TV Shows
With over 10,000* titles, Kaleidescape offers the best online selection of movies and TV shows available. Most new releases are available for download weeks before you can purchase them on disc. With personalized recommendations, you’re sure to discover something you’ll love.
Convenience and Cinematic Fidelity!
The award-winning Kaleidescape Strato is the world’s finest movie player. It provides the most convenient way for movie lovers to enjoy their favorite films in the best quality available anywhere. Strato can play a movie in 4K Ultra HD with high dynamic range at 60 frames per second, with lossless audio, including Dolby Atmos.
Players and servers group together to suit the needs of any home. The beautiful Kaleidescape onscreen display makes finding movies a pleasure. It starts a movie immediately without trailers or warnings, and lets you jump right to your favorite scene or song without fast forwarding.
Integration with modern AV control systems enables delightful cinematic features – such as lights automatically dimming as the movie begins, and screen masking automatically adjusting to the film’s aspect ratio.